Orange Street News


WATCH THIS REPORTER JUMP OVER THE BORDER “WALL”!!! The Orange Street News Tests Border Security

The Orange Street News is in the border town of Harshaw, Arizona to put the security of our southern border to the test and talk to residents about what should he done.

64 comments on “WATCH THIS REPORTER JUMP OVER THE BORDER “WALL”!!! The Orange Street News Tests Border Security

  1. Bob Lamm
    February 16, 2019



    • a big fat ugly as hell sherriff stalking harassing a young girl in secret on a dirt back road breaking 25 laws asap intimidation threats with menace 124 amendements laws illegal use of office ,followed her for hours to get her routine mentally unstable power control freak like dipstick don.t sack now .no pension put on sex offender list psychopathic tendencies unfit to serve as a law officer usa wide 5yrs jail now


    • David Roach
      February 24, 2019

      Miss: I have sent my narratives to the New York Times & The Arizona Republic WITH NO RESULTS. The title is “The four faces of near death” concerning two medication incidents at Arizona State Hospital that nearly killed me . I spent 4 months at MIHS hospital . My sister came from Indiana, I awoke when she called my name from a coma. Please google THE LIBBY ZION CASE. I went through the same thing but lived.
      David R. Roach B.A. M.A.


  2. Gerald Sobel
    February 22, 2019

    My biggest concern is the freedom of wildlife to move as they wish. A lot of species are hanging on by a thread. Prosecute those who employ undocumented people. Trump has been flaunting that law, so he’s just a big hypocrite.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Dick Smothers
    February 22, 2019

    I wonder…have any of them ever heard of a Ladder? or a Shovel?

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Christopher (@ruckus4offroad)
    February 22, 2019

    Cops just looking out for the ginger girl running off to Mexico. Lol stop harassing the cop. Who cares about animal and Mexicans. Lol. Protect the ginger girl.


  5. Frank Jenkins
    February 22, 2019

    Keep up the good work Hilde. U are a star reporter and a STAR.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. jaims19
    February 22, 2019

    This is ridiculous. The WALL Trump is building you would never be able to hop over- this is clearly an old version that would be replaced. Stop acting like this is the WALL that is gonna be put up. FAKE NEWS.


    • B Nesbitt (@bnesbitt716)
      February 22, 2019

      Wow. You clearly didn’t listen. She is obviously for improving the wall. Stop bashing her for trying to report her findings.

      Liked by 1 person

      • … And were quickly apprehended on the other side, right? Gueesh, do people really have this low a level of cognitive function or are this socially malleable that they reject the common sense effectiveness of a barrier? Are barriers impervious, no — are they designed to be, no. The purpose is to stop a quick, unfettered transition from an unprotected to a protected area and the 3 minutes is obviously enough time for security personnel to arrive for a quick arrest — purely a stunt or some really dumb illegals.
        Debate all you want the merits of borders around countries but, stop it with the parroting of main stream media propaganda at this level of NON-SENSE, for God’s sake people! The main stream media is gas-lighting the entire Western World (or at least the remaining sad souls that refuse to recognize misinformation and/or are cognitively dissonant) and it is VERY obvious at this point. Walls don’t work …Walls are immoral….WHAT?!


      • CBP would never get there before the wall is scaled–never get there if it is tunneled. He also ignores that none of the local people report a local problem with theft, property damage or other crimes, but have abstracted the issue to the “other.” Generalizing without support, without specific proof.

        I am also surprised that no one has taken the time to do a simple search on border control: the Germans make several ATVs and drones that track and manage border violations using radar and gps to provide more accurate and dynamic management. Finally, this “wall” here is obviously merely a fence at best! Anyone think perhaps it is not needed–hence its current state! Or only b/c we have not spend 6 billion (remember over runs) that would take 15 years to build?

        Again, I would point out not a local person cited a specific incident–somebody’s house broken in, trespass, public nuisance–all references were to “other” or general policy, for which locals cited specific NO need!

        What is the closest CBP station?


    • Terence Anthony Staines
      February 23, 2019

      You’re ‘fake news’, you twit.


      • Carole Adornetto
        February 23, 2019

        Shame on you, Terence. Name-calling is the lowest form of dissent.

        Liked by 1 person

    • Jeff Tuttle
      February 23, 2019

      Yeah, because her whole point was really to show how easily she would be able to hop over a wall that DOESN’T exist, if it were to exist in the future, and did so by hopping over the FENCE that is currently there. See that is the type of response you typically see from people who go around attacking everyone because they automatically think that everyone is against what they believe or support. Maybe you were just too lazy to actually watch the video and just ASSumed that is what she was trying to convey… Well, actually that is a pretty ignorant ASSumption to make even if you didn’t watch the video.

      On February 22, 2019, jaims19 said:

      This is ridiculous. The WALL Trump is building you would never be able to hop over- this is clearly an old version that would be replaced. Stop acting like this is the WALL that is gonna be put up. FAKE NEWS.


    • Stevie Emm Kay
      February 23, 2019

      You’ve mistaken her point. she’s showing that the wall as it is can just be hopped over. She’s not suggesting that Trumps wall will be the same.Your fake news.


  7. mopar 2ya
    February 22, 2019

    The lady who said she is opposed to a fence because they will still get in, consider this. Should we not enforce drunk driving laws because you cant stop every drunk driver?

    Furthermore, its why we need a 30ft wall with razor wire. It will greatly reduce illegal entries as well as slow the rest down long enough for proper manpower to respond.

    Whats immoral is needlessly putting border patrol agents in harms way to do the job a wall can do.


    • Gloria (@TweetyLolita)
      February 22, 2019

      Really? What about the fact that the majority of illegal entries are a result of visa overstays? That is, someone enters LEGALLY with a tourist, student or workers visa and never leaves???
      What about the fact that most other illegal entries were apprehended at the sea or airports??? The multi-BILLION dollar wall will do nothing to prevent the vast majority of entries.
      Due to geography, topography, and land ownership issues, like Indian reservations and private property owners which straddle the border, it is impossible to completely close the border, so don’t you think the few that do try to cross will just go to those weak points?
      Like Gerald said, prosecute those who employ undocumented people. Start with Walmart, they are notorious for hiring “illegals” to work in their warehouses and distro centers. They are also breaking the law – in that sense, the employers are the real illegals because they know the law and they deliberately break it because they know they can get away with it. NO jobs, no one would come.
      But yeah, Mopar, lets spend BILLIONS on a useless wall, while our veterans go without medical care and die homeless on the streets.
      You wallnuts can’t see the forest for the trees!

      Liked by 2 people

      • joyali
        February 23, 2019

        It’s not true that the majority of illegals are visa overstays. A 2017 study by the Center for Migration Studies, which is a NONPARTISAN think tank, accurately estimated visa overstays accounted for 42 percent of the total undocumented population, or about 4.5 million people. You can’t just go around making up false “facts” and figures to support your personal views. Liberals are no better than the liar they claim President Trump to be when they do this. You might want to do your research before trying to bash others online with statistics that are inaccurate.


    • Ben Mann
      February 22, 2019

      You do realize that they are not illegal entering right? This is just propaganda you are falling for.
      We have laws in place for asylum seekers, appropriately named the “asylum laws.”
      Look into it.

      The first law in the asylum laws says ANYONE seeking asylum can must first arrive in america then they have 1 year to have a court date. If they are denied they have another 30 days to leave. If they don’t leave after that then, and ONLY then are they actually illegal.

      It also specifically states that a person can arrive anywhere, and does not need to come through a port of entry.

      What is immoral is violating someone else’s constitutional rights, and the law because you are unwilling to find out the truth.

      Get woke.

      Liked by 1 person

      • joyali
        February 23, 2019

        You may want to take your own advice and “get woke.” It is COMPLETELY inaccurate that asylum seekers waiting on court hearings make up any substantial amount of illegal aliens in our country. Granted, our weak asylum laws are definitely being abused and contributing to the problem as well as our lax Visa Waiver program, but this does not negate the crisis at the border and the fact that millions of illegals are sneaking their way into the country. The statistics that the liberal media likes to flaunt are just border apprehensions, not an accurate count of how many illegals are actually getting past our southern border. I totally agree with you that we need to ‘stay woke’ but those who are truly “woke” have no need to conjure up false facts to support their political agendas.


      • William Thomas Peal
        February 23, 2019

        Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) – Bias and Credibility

        Non-Partisan? I don’t think so. Go back to school.

        Center for Migration Studies


        A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source. See all Questionable sources.

        Overall, we rate CIS a questionable source based on publishing misleading information (propaganda) regarding immigration, as well as ties either directly or indirectly to the John Tanton Network, who is a known White Nationalist.
        Detailed Report

        Reasoning: Extreme Right, Anti-Immigration Propaganda, Misleading Claims
        Country: USA
        World Press Freedom Rank: USA 45/180


    • GEM-INT (@gem_int)
      February 23, 2019

      @ MOPAR Putting needless border patrol agents in harms way, whi is carrying the guns here?


    • Stevie Emm Kay
      February 23, 2019

      yes I wouldn’t want to put the border patrol in such a dangerous place as this little girl is filming her show.


  8. Stefan Heimers
    February 22, 2019

    I heard the Mexicans are very upset because of the wall – but they will get over it. 🙂


  9. Phil Greene
    February 22, 2019

    Great unbiased reporting. You really have found your calling. Stay in news makers faces and don’t ever lose the courage to tell the truth. Thanks.


  10. Yazan Masad (@yazanmasad)
    February 22, 2019

    Great reporting, keep up the solid work and objective insights and you’ll have a bounty of experience to bring to the professional world. You’re already miles ahead of many who were in my journalism classes.


  11. Stefan Heimers
    February 22, 2019

    Please keep in mind that crimnals will find a way around the wall. They can drill tunnels, use a ladder or an aeroplane. So it does not help much. But on the other hand it is a pain in the ass for the local population on both sides. Even if they are allowed to cross, they might have to go a long way to the next customs office, wait, show the passport, answer stupid questions. I was born in Switzerland, close to the German border. I remember as a child it was exactly like this, going to Germany always was kind of humiliating, with fierce looking men checking my passport at the customs. Nowadays the border is open, we are allowed to cross where ever we want, it is so much more comfortable. So I recommend you: Don’t build the wall, rather remove that rusty fence taking away your own freedom.

    Liked by 1 person

    • mopar 2ya
      February 22, 2019

      So since you think walls dont work, heres some data from your neck of the woods. The Berlin wall in 30 years only had 5000 get past it. Thats 116 PER YEAR. We have that many every hour. The difference is that wall was meant to keep their people in, our wall forces foreigners to legally enter through one of our many ports of entry.


      • bobd (@anuska299)
        February 22, 2019


        First you do know that Berlin is a city and your number of successful crossings of the wall are way off. From 1948 to 1958 approx. 3 million were able to cross. That’s with guards armed with machine guns within eyesight of each other.

        Liked by 2 people

      • Stefan Heimers
        February 23, 2019

        Berlin is a good example. Ronald Reagan said: “Tear down this wall.” The Germans are happy the wall was removed and don’t want it back. Borders don’t protect people. They protect governments and are a pain in the ass for people. They take away your own freedom.


  12. Epic Muncher (@epic_muncher)
    February 22, 2019

    I think we are all forgetting that most immigrants come to America by plane, legally, and then overstay their visas. Furthermore, a wall would encourage more immigrants to stay in America knowing that they could not return to the country of opportunities if they left it.

    Liked by 2 people

    • mopar 2ya
      February 22, 2019

      Not true. 40% are visa overstays, who at least were vetted and entered legally. They too should be deported if they dont renew their visa. Its the law. Furthermore a wall wouldnt encourage anybody, as they arent leaving already. We have many illegals deported over and over that sneak back in because we have no border wall.


    • joyali
      February 23, 2019

      This is not accurate. Only 42% of illegals in the country are here due to visa overstay issues. There is a small number here taking advantage of our weak asylum laws but the rest are sneaking in.


  13. Christian Ackerley
    February 22, 2019

    Good job, but be careful down there, kid. I’ve camped along the border for almost 40 years, and it’s a lot more dangerous place than it used to be. Parts of the Arizona/ Mexico border have become so dangerous that I don’t dare go there any more.


  14. Philip Michael Vine
    February 22, 2019

    I’d like to modify a phrase used by one of the world’s great newspapers: OSN, all the news that’s fit to print, and all the chutzpah needed to get at the truth and print it. That’s what I have to say about you, young lady, a fearless, honest, and hardworking seeker of facts. I am, to put it mildly, in awe of you.


  15. durian94118 (@durian94118)
    February 22, 2019

    Either way, one thing is certain – your sense of objectivity and reporting of facts is not in question, and that puts you ahead of the game.

    Have you seen the Media Bias Chart? I find it interesting, and a good general guide on media bias.

    Keep doing what you are doing. You’re good at it. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Pingback: An Arizona cop threatened to arrest a 12-year-old journalist. She wasn’t backing down.:from Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis | this is what I'm reading

  17. mopar 2ya
    February 22, 2019

    Bobd, yes Berlin is a city from Germany, which is in in the part of the world I responded from. Your numbers are totally inaccurate. Even the uber liberal huffpo disputes you. Furthermore the wall was ordered built Aug 12, 1961. You are trying to include those who fled prior to the wall. Nice try, but epic fail. Walls work. Full Stop.


    • Tom O'Connell
      February 23, 2019

      Does arguing with a 12-year-old make you feel better, Grandma?

      Liked by 1 person

  18. Camille Jones Guice
    February 22, 2019

    If you are being truly even-handed, you need to go to Nogales AZ too, and show all the concertina wire in the middle of town. The border is thousands of miles long, and covers a great deal of varied territory both public and private.. The place you appear to be is in the Coronado National Forest. Already the barbed wire – simple though it may seem – interferes with the free flow of wildlife, a serious problem in that “sky island” natural environment.

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Ginger Urdiales
    February 22, 2019

    Young lady I appalle u fr not backing down to any one you go sweet heart ♥️ you can do anything in this world a long as you are not breaking the law and your dad has ur back ! Great determination I admire someone so young and knowledgeable you maybe a candidate for a president one day !Dont let anyone ever take that from you .God Bless on you go Girl !I 🥰❤️🌹🙏🐸Frog stands for fully rely on God !


  20. Andrea Polinard
    February 23, 2019

    For being so young, some of the adult journalists (on both sides of the rift), can take a lesson on unbiased reporting from you. Don’t lose that passion for truth telling and don’t let anyone or any dollar amount corrupt your dream.

    Liked by 1 person

  21. Brian Petrie
    February 23, 2019

    I find you very inspiring and I hope you benefit from and enjoy these experiences. I do however have one suggestion. Let the video and audio recording do the note taking for you. You do very well with follow up questions but It seems like transcribing notes takes some of your focus from the interviews. That being said, I’m from Ontario Canada and I’m sure this will not be the last I hear from you. If this is what you want to do, don’t you dare stop, you are already doing so well.


  22. mark smith
    February 23, 2019

    This young journalist has the insight and integrity to report facts and not opinion. She renews my faith that there may be a small kernel of hope that our media may one day return to journalism versus tabloid press sensationalism.
    Hilde does an accurate presentation of facts that allows me to form my own opinion. Thank you Hilde!

    Liked by 1 person

  23. Mike Jobin
    February 23, 2019

    Well, people believe the rhetoric.


  24. Bob Canning
    February 23, 2019

    This kid is just 12-YEARS OLD! I repeat she’s just 12-YEARS OLD! At 12, I was just learning to tie my shoes! Remember her name — in about 20 years, she’ll probably win her first Pulitzer Prize.

    (Was the guy trying to arrest her wearing a red MAGA Donald Duncecap???)

    Liked by 1 person

    • joyali
      February 23, 2019

      No, he was probably a liberal who didn’t want her exposing the truth about our border being so unprotected that a 12 year old girl could easily sneak in and out of the country. 🙄
      By the way, I’m curious. What do you have against making our country great again?


      • mcddeuce
        February 23, 2019

        Why can’t you simply leave a positive response expressing your views without using labels, and sarcasm? It would be a much better conversation, ma’am. Thank you.


    • mcddeuce
      February 23, 2019



      • joyali
        March 4, 2019

        Why don’t you ask the same thing to the guy above me who elicited my reply, or are you just targeting conservatives with your critical responses? You didn’t say one word to him. Interesting…🙄


  25. mcddeuce
    February 23, 2019

    Hilde, even though it appears your parents have already schooled you on appropriate non-responses, I’d just like to state the obvious as a grandmother. There is absolutely no need to respond to foul language, ignorant, sinister, mean-spirited comments from individuals who make such comments, purporting to be adults, but whose comments are delivered as though they have the brains of a twit, even (and especially) when they are attempting to irrationally argue with information that has been refutabaly, and quite easily debunked. You save yourself quite a lot of valuable time that you devote to your journalistic efforts, which I throughly enjoy. So, please keep the fact-based data coming, and above all, PLEASE stay safe!!!!! Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

  26. bbrannan1
    February 23, 2019

    Couple things…Grandma, I agree about Hilde’s non-responses. I think “give them enough rope to hang themselves” probably applies here.

    As for the border barrier itself, if we must have one, I rather like the idea I read about a few weeks ago: a buried fiberoptic cable. Crossing it would, according to the article, alert law enforcement, who can quickly respond. It is unobtrusive. It is cheap. And it can do double duty by carrying communication and data. For considerably less than a very intrusive wall of questionable utility. Yes. Questionable…because many are questioning its value, not, I’d add, necessarily the value of protecting the border.


    • joyali
      March 4, 2019

      I like your ideas about a fiber optic “wall” or at least using the technology available today to monitor illegal border crossings as many illegals are tunneling to the US as well. We need a system that utilizes technology which will also cost less (I’m guessing?) yet still give border agents a leg up on getting a grip on the situation because right now they are overwhelmed, and many of our border agents at the southern border are Mexican, by the way. The majority of them are actually in favor of a barrier! Even still, I agree with you. Technology has got to be a more efficient and cost-effective way to police our borders.


  27. Pingback: Hope from Elections, Courts | Nel's New Day

  28. Pingback: WATCH THIS REPORTER JUMP OVER THE BORDER “WALL”!!! The Orange Street News Tests Border Security - Immigration Hubs

  29. Pingback: VIDEO The Greatest Constitutional Crisis Since the Civil War – REPORTER JUMPS OVER THE BORDER “WALL”!!! – MyLegalHelpUSA

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  31. Pingback: There ARE Good Journalists in Our Country! – Wolfessblog — Guillotine mediocrity in all its forms!

  32. Rex Roy
    March 3, 2019

    the “border wall” is a LIE intended to distract the common patri-NUT into believing in a “country”; there are supposed to be 50 several States NOT a country; STOP BEING GOOD SLAVES AND READ THIS BOOK ->


  33. markusbn
    March 7, 2019

    Wow! One must have a severe lack of empathy to present the Berlin wall as an example for a wall that worked. It did, and the reason was not the nice construction of the wall, in some regions it wasn’t much better than the one our fearless reporter jumped.

    It worked because of the Grepo (GDR border patrol) shooting at everybody trying to approach it, the automatic firing devices connected to trip wires (not in Berlin, but on the border to Western Germany), the land mines, the guard dogs, etc. At least 130 people were killed and countless others severely injured.

    It wouldn’t have been a problem in Harshaw, though. With a “working” wall it wouldn’t exist. Wherever possible the villages directly near the border (Todesstreifen = death zone) were demolished. If you lived a bit further away you and all your visitors had to have security clearance from the Stasi (GDR security service). It also wasn’t just a wall but several parallel obstacles, mine zone, etc.: Up to 500 yards wide.

    So, if you want your wall to work, you also need to have to evacuate the region, build several parallel walls and wire fences, deploy land mines, install automatic firing devices and have border patrols (12.000 in Berlin alone for 90 miles of wall) willing to shoot and kill 13 year old boys. Needless to say: the amount proposed for the entire wall wouldn’t even cover the monthly maintenance cost.

    Ronald Reagan, who ran with the slogan “Let’s make America great again” (where did I hear that?) was explicitly *not* a fan of the Berlin Wall…

    One day in 1989 I heard on the radio about rumours that the border crossing in Berlin was open. I walked to it and will, until the end of my days, not forget the joy in this city which followed in the days after.

    (Sorry for the errors: English is not my native tongue)



  35. Pingback: OSN Top Stories of 2019! Stabbings, Border Wall Jumping, Obamas, Drug Dealers — and Lions, Oh My! | Orange Street News

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