Orange Street News


Want the OSN Delivered to your door for $29.99 or DIGITAL SUBSCRIPTION FOR $14.99!

For a one year PRINT subscription please send a check or cash of $29.99 along with name and address to Hilde Kate Lysiak PO Box 1263 Patagonia, Arizona 85624. Or order through PayPal on the link below!


BRAND NEW!! If you want to order a one year digital subscription where you will be sent a PDF of the entire paper it is sent to your inbox every month it is ONLY $14.99! Just click on the link below!


34 comments on “Want the OSN Delivered to your door for $29.99 or DIGITAL SUBSCRIPTION FOR $14.99!

  1. Pingback: ¿Qué sabe una niña de 10 años sobre la democracia? – Caro López Pesqueira

  2. Shelby
    November 28, 2016

    Just a quick question, Hilde gets all the money from any subscriptions, correct?

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hilde Kate Lysiak
      February 19, 2017

      yeah, but most of it goes to printing and shipping costs.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Eric Ulfsparre
        February 22, 2019

        Some contradictory info: The “Want All The News Fit For Orange Street Delivered to Your Door?” offer is for 14.99, while the “Subscribe to the Orange Street News from anywhere…” is 19.99? Is there some difference; perhaps you are personally delivering some on foot and the others are popped in the mail?

        Great work and service you’re doing for your community resuscitating journalism to a noble standard. You have made my day brighter.


  3. Alex Solis
    April 13, 2017

    Can we have an option for support subscriptions without a paper version being mailed out? I subscribed last year, but I prefer to just read it online.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Patricia Stilen, 7011 N Jarboe Street, Kansas City, MO 64118
    April 15, 2017

    How do we know when to resubscribe?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Beverley Thies Campbell
      February 24, 2019

      I just finished reading a quarter page article about your encounter with the Law, it was in the National Post which is a National newspaper in Canada. Do you collect articles? I could send it to you if you wish, no problem as I still have some american stamps from a winter spent in Arizona.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Desertphile
    May 11, 2017

    I am renewing my subscription now. Thank you for the reminder.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Desertphile
    May 11, 2017

    Payment sent. Thank you Ms. Lysiak.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Patrick Melroy
    May 11, 2017

    Our family here in Santa Barbara is now renewed, thanks for another great year of journalism.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. William
    December 1, 2017

    Hilde, I just saw an article about you in The Week Junior, and I think that you’re so inspirational, but sadly I’m all the way in the UK so I can’t subscribe… 😦


    William, 11

    Liked by 2 people

    • Wingo5315
      December 7, 2017

      Yeah, I discovered her from that do and they do say that they have subscribers from everywhere.

      Liked by 2 people

  9. Judy Keck
    November 16, 2018

    I just read the story “12 year old author inspires new tv series ” In the “inside Pennsylvania “magazine. which had me go order my subscription to ‘Orange Street News ‘

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Pingback: Want the OSN Delivered to your door for $19.99! – Jezebelisgone

  11. ckswarriorqueen
    February 21, 2019

    I just subscribed and shared this page on my Twitter feed. GOOD FOR YOU, standing up to that abusive cop! I think you are just amazing!


  12. Jelane Johnson
    February 22, 2019

    I just subscribed, but I only want online access. You don’t need to print/mail me anything. Can you do that? Keep up the great work kiddo!


  13. mikediamondwp
    February 22, 2019

    Just subscribed, thanks for keeping journalism alive 🙂
    Read about this in the Washington Post today, so I bet you’re about to get a lot more attention…


  14. Aaron Miller
    February 22, 2019

    I just subscribed, but I’m happy to read online. I just to support your great work! Please DON’T mail me a paper (Narberth, PA).


  15. JJtheTexan
    February 22, 2019

    Hello Hilde, do you accept digital-only subscriptions? I don’t want you to spend money printing and shipping a print edition for me; I just want to support your work.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Maggie Culver
    February 22, 2019

    Hilde. love your tenacity. I just subscribed for my 9 year old and also I will give a copy to her school, I know one of the teachers would love to have the paper for a teaching tool for her class. Way to go Girl! Keep it up! Hint… be sure to research the laws that the cop was referring to. I dont think he was completely accurate.


  17. Rebecca Beyer
    February 23, 2019

    Hi! Please put me down for a digital-only subscription. We need more reporters like you; I am very happy to support your work and look forward to seeing more of it in the years to come!


  18. Mac Mintaka
    February 23, 2019

    I agree with the others that you might get some more people subscribing if you offered a digital subscription option as well. Both because many people prefer to read on line and also cost concerns.

    Frankly, I can’t afford $14.99 (or $19.99. It’s a different price in different places on this site.) because I’m on Social Security Disability and my income is fixed and very low. If you had a lower cost digital subscription I could participate.

    Otherwise I’m enjoying your work and I want to see even more.


    • zijuziju
      February 24, 2019

      My interpretation is $14.99 is for digital and $19.99 is for mailed print


  19. bbrannan1
    February 23, 2019

    Howdy…I just subscribed too. I sent an email to the Paypal address saying the same thing, but in case gmail eats my email, pleased not send me a printed edition. Save the printing and postage costs. Just send me a PDF please, or some other text-friendly format. But keep the extra $5 anyway 🙂


  20. Milton D Zeroth
    February 24, 2019

    How refreshing it to see a real journalist reporting the news…without prejudice of her own opinion, like the great news anchors from decades ago.
    I am subscriber, keep of the good work Hilde Kate Lysiak

    Liked by 1 person

  21. Howard E Davis
    February 24, 2019

    I am greatly inspired by your efforts on behalf of independent journalism and am eager to subscribe for the digital edition but I am hesitating only because I can’t stand subscriptions that “auto-renew”. Please provide assurance that I am subscribing for one year only (with an option to renew). Wishing you all the best!


    • zijuziju
      February 24, 2019

      Checkout with Paypal. Paypal can’t auto renew


  22. zijuziju
    February 24, 2019

    I just bought a 1 year subscription for Joseph Patterson mailed to
    Po Box 515
    Patagonia, AZ 85624

    The world needs more people like you Hilde!

    Liked by 2 people

  23. Pingback: The Story of Hilde Lysiak: The Pre-Teen Taking Journalism by Storm – Affinity Magazine

  24. AAdams (@FomentRebelli0n)
    February 28, 2019

    I subscribed to the NY Times, The Washington Post and now The Orange Street News. I subscribed for a digital edition by PayPal, but wasn’t given the option of giving you my email address. If you need my email address, please DM me via Twitter. Happy to support independent journalism!

    Liked by 1 person

  25. dublinjackeen1234
    February 28, 2019

    You fought the law and you won.
    That song needs to be changed.
    Good story.


  26. Mike Miller
    March 6, 2019, I just signed up for hardcopy, please use email and use the five extra to buy your sister and you ice cream. Thank !


  27. M. Douglas Wray
    March 21, 2019

    Got my first printed copy – NICE WORK. I’ve seen local papers in Longmont (*cough*TIMESCALL*cough*) that didn’t look as good!


  28. Maggie Culver
    September 17, 2019

    I have a mailed subscription and need to know how do we change our address for the delivery of the subscription?


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