Orange Street News


OSN Publisher Responds to Critics!

Here is my response to those who you suggesting I “play with dolls” or “have tea parties” instead of reporting the news.

Thank you to Isabel Lysiak for helping film, edit, and produce this video message.

24 comments on “OSN Publisher Responds to Critics!

  1. Kim Buchanan
    April 7, 2016

    I would love to “like your stories but am unable to use my email or open an account.


  2. Oliver Lange
    April 7, 2016

    Es ist beeindruckend zu sehen, das sich ein junges Mädchen auf diese Art und Weise mit dem, was um sie herum geschieht auseinandersetzt. Ich gratuliere dir zu deinem Erfolg. Ich war auch keineswegs überrascht zu lesen, welche Reaktionen dein Artikel zu dem Mord hervorgerufen haben. Leider glauben viele, sehr viele Menschen, mit dem Recht zur freien Meinungsäußerung auch das Recht zu haben, in der Anonymität des Internets jeden Unsinn, jede Beleidigung, jede Herabsetzung und jede Verunglimpfung äußern zu dürfen. Diese Menschen sind ungebildet und sehr schlecht erzogen. Sie haben keine Manieren, keine Empathie, kein Verständnis und keine Toleranz. Ich ärgere mich seit Monaten über solche dummen, teilweise widerlichen Menschen, die sich zum Thema Flüchtlingskrise in meinem Land, also in Deutschland ebenfalls in der Art verhalten, wie deine Kritiker. Dumme Menschen, die Vorurteile gegen Ausländer verbreiten, sie verunglimpfen, beleidigen und ihnen mit Hass begegnen. Und das, obwohl sie selbst kaum mit Ausländern zu tun haben, also keinerlei Erfahrungen haben. Man kann sich über sie ärgern, man kann sich über sie aufregen, mit ihnen vernünftig diskutieren kann man nicht.
    Deshalb liebe Hilde Kate Lysiak, mach so weiter. Tu das was dir Spaß macht, mache das, was dir wichtig ist. Und lass dich nicht entmutigen. Ich wäre sehr stolz auf meine Tochter (ich habe leider keine Kinder) wenn sie sich so engagieren würde, wie du es tust und dann auch noch so erfolgreich.

    PS: Leider kann ich dir nur auf Deutsch schreiben. Google Übersetzungen sind leider nur sehr ungenau.

    Liebe Grüße
    Oliver Lange

    Bremerhaven / Germany

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Roslyn McGrath
    April 7, 2016

    I think you’re amazing, Hilde, for speaking up so well for your age group and for all you contribute to your community! Put me down for a subscription!

    With appreciation,
    Roslyn McGrath, Publisher
    Health & Happiness U.P. Magazine

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Wendy Wojewodzki
    April 7, 2016

    Good for you, young lady! I’m sure your family is proud of you.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. WeyrCat
    April 7, 2016

    Oh no! The video is now blocked in the US, by “Canal Plus” for copyright. 😦


  6. Susan Bevilacqua
    April 7, 2016

    Follow your heart, follow your dreams. Don’t listen to the haters it is a waste of your valuable time. It is a wonderful ambition to write. Wishing you all the best in your career.

    Liked by 5 people

  7. Claire
    April 7, 2016

    What you’re doing is brilliant! Keep up the good work😀

    Liked by 1 person

  8. joanne Williams
    April 7, 2016

    My new hero!! You tell them!

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Dawn M Doerr-Johnson
    April 7, 2016

    You go, girl! You are an inspiration to women and girls who want to stand up to the status quo. Do what your passion calls you to. There will always be critics, but as the philosopher, Dr. Seuss, said “Those who matter don’t mind, and those who mind don’t matter.”

    Liked by 2 people

  10. C Turner
    April 7, 2016

    Miss Lysiak is a fantastic reporter who should continue what she’s doing and ignore the decriers. Good on you for reporting the news, large and small, and telling the people sitting on their butts to go do something if they have a problem with it.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Tosh Brannon
    April 7, 2016

    You go girl!


  12. Vicki Carder
    April 7, 2016

    blocked in the usa stuped drm


  13. Julie Anderson
    April 7, 2016

    You go girl! Never let anyone keep you down! I will look forward to seeing you one the evening news someday !

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Leah
    April 7, 2016

    Please report on who has blocked your video!!!


  15. Jerusha Hardman
    April 7, 2016

    Stay strong girl! Don’t ever let someone tell you not to do what you love just because of your age or gender or anything. You just shut them out and shut them up.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Bernie
    April 7, 2016

    Well done very enterprising on your behalf keep up your interest in journalism.
    Hope you make a great career of it in the future.
    I live in Melbourne Australia and I thought you did a great job, but could you please wear a bicycle helmet when your out getting more stories around town.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Holly Wynn
    April 7, 2016

    FOLLOW YOUR DREAM! I suspect that you will bloom-and-grow a whole lot faster doing what YOU want to do, knowing in your heart that the truth must always come first. Pursue education both in and out of school, but don’t fall victim to the negativity that seems to cover everything. God bless you!

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Neil Milne
    April 7, 2016

    FANTASTIC! You tell them. Keep working hard and getting those scoops Hilde. You should be very proud of what you’ve achieved. From one journalist to another, I think some people are just jealous.

    Liked by 2 people

  19. Sean Patrick
    April 7, 2016

    Hilde, you rock! As a former journalist myself, I respect what you are doing. Never let the naysayers get to you!

    Liked by 1 person

  20. kailabutler
    April 7, 2016

    Good for you, Hilde! Way to show maturity and professionalism for surpassing that of the people (supposed adults) sending you those disgusting comments. Journalists like yourself, reporting real news with fact and precision, should be celebrated not torn down. I cannot wait to see what you’ll accomplish next!

    Liked by 2 people

  21. Amber
    April 7, 2016

    You are fantastic! Don’t let those small-minded people try to define what you should be. You are a lovely, driven young lady, and I applaud your determination and your parents support of your dreams. Most kids do not get this kind of support from their families. Keep up the good work.

    Liked by 4 people

  22. Pingback: The dopest 9 year old journalist you never heard of. (Yup, she exits and is cooler then you could even imagine). – slightlyoffkiltershop

  23. Querent2000
    February 24, 2019

    Yes, Hilde, that was definitely cute enough. You are a real journalist. You scooped your competition on the murder story. I’m sure you have enough time to report and publish the news for the Orange Street News AND play with dolls, if you feel like it. You do a great job. I would like to see a few more details in your stories, but I’m sure that will come as you gain more experience. I also really like your short stories. Rock on, Hilde.


  24. Pingback: Starrsha

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