Orange Street News


OSN INVESTIGATION: Hard Drugs Come to Selinsgrove High School SEE THE VIDEO


By Hilde Kate Lysiak

Last week an ambulance pulled up to the entrance at Selinsgrove High School. It was another overdose. At least the sixth time a student from Selinsgrove overdosed this year, according to multiple students at the school.

As part of an ongoing investigation, the Orange Street News spoke to multiple students who are currently going to Selinsgrove High School. They see a drug problem spiraling out of control with no one doing anything to stop it.

The OSN agreed to withhold the names of the students who shared their stories and concerns about what they see happening with their classmates. They hope their information makes a difference.

“No one has any idea how bad it really is. It used to just be pot. Now everyone is using harder drugs. And it isn’t just the freaks. Its the kids no one would expect,” a student told the OSN.

“Since I started going to Selinsgrove High School the drug problem increased quite a bit with a lot of (students) getting into hard core drugs such as heroin, sometimes even meth and cocaine…,” added another student.

It isn’t just street drugs, students at Selinsgrove are also finding ways to abuse prescription pain killers. Vicadin, Xanax, and Percocet are all popular with students.

“The students will steal it from home then hand them off,” said one student.

There are some dealers in Selinsgrove, but often times students make their connections in nearby Sunbury.

“People can get their Weed and Molly and Spice here easy, but often times you need to go to Sunbury for the heavier stuff,” said one student.

“I know there are people who go over there they will buy them, bring them back, and distribute them amongst everyone in the school,” added another.

The school has preventive measures to keep drugs out of the school. A handful of times a year dogs enter the school and sniff lockers looking for drugs. However, it wasn’t long before students figured out an easy way around it.

“They (students) got smarter. They no longer keep their drugs in their lockers. They take them with them to class because they don’t bring the dogs into class.”

Drugs are popular at school events, but are also used during the school day. The bathrooms and the welding rooms are two popular spots.

“They will do them in the bathroom stalls so that the teachers don’t go into the stalls and if they go into the welding room already smells like all the burnt wood and metal so the teachers may not even pick up on the other mixed scents if they do smoke in their,” said one student.

But students more commonly do drugs before and after school, according to students. Their is an intersection known in Selinsgrove as “Smoker’s Corner,” that is technically off of school property. But that is mainly just for smoking and not for hard drugs.. Another popular spot is a hidden path on the isle of Que. Others just drive around the back roads and throw their needles out the window.

The increase drug use by students would also explain the needles that have been found scattered all around Selinsgrove (See pic to right).


“They..needles are for heroin. Maybe a little bit of ah…crack,” said a student.

The students came forward to the OSN because they hope some attention will bring action. Students say that the school administration is aware of the drug problem but often look the other way. However, none of the students who spoke with the OSN believe there was much that teachers and staff can do.

“The teachers are very aware. I know they just had a meeting about it. Um. Friday. Thursday or Friday about it. And they discussed the recent overdoses and the more recent spike of hardcore drugs,” said one student.

The OSN reached out to Selinsgrove Superintendent Chad Cohrs and requested a video interview but has not heard back by the time of press. The OSN will update with his comment.

None of the overdoses have been fatal, but students fear that it is only a matter of time if things don’t change.

“The people at Selinsgrove themselves, the teachers and such, can’t do much other than calling the hospital and the police and their parents so they can just get them the help and resources they need,” added another.

If anyone has tips please email the Orange Street News at

Below is a transcript of an interview with one student:

H: Can you tell me a little bit about the drug problem that Selinsgrove high school has been facing?

S: Recently there’s been a lot of drug overdoses and I’ve noticed that since I started going to Selinsgrove High School the drug problem increased quite a bit. With a lot of getting into hard core drugs such as heroin, sometimes even meth and cocaine not even more stereotypical calm drugs such as marijuana.

H: Oh wow.

H: How did the kids get these drugs?

S: How did they get them? Most likely from Sunbury. I know there is people who go over there they will buy them, bring them back, and distribute them amongst everyone in the school.

H: People have been finding needles all over Selinsgrove. What are they for?

S:They..needles are for heroin. Maybe a little bit of ah…crack.

H: Are drugs being done in the school?

H: Where?

S: In the bathrooms, mostly. In the welding room..

H: Don’t the teachers ever go in there?

S: They will do them in the bathroom stalls so that the teachers don’t go into the stalls and if they go into the welding room already smells like all the burnt wood and metal so the teachers may not even pick up on the other mixed scents if they do smoke in their.

H: So, do you think that teachers are aware that Selinsgrove has a drug problem?

S: The teachers are very aware. I know they just had a meeting about it. Um. Friday. Thursday or Friday about it. And they discussed the recent overdoses and the more recent spike of hardcore drugs.

H: Can you talk a little bit more about the overdose that happened recently?

S: I know about the most recent overdose was this past week. I don’t know who it was or anything like that I just know that the cops were called. I walked past the nurses office. I didn’t peep into it. None of my business. And just know that there was an overdose because an ambulance was there and..

H: in the school?

S: In the school, yes. I don’t know if.. it was early in the day so I don’t know if they did the drug at home and the body didn’t react until later or if they did it in the school.

H: What do you think Selinsgrove can do to prevent the drug problem?

S: I would say to get the kids the most help that they the people at Selinsgrove themselves, the teachers and such, can’t do much other than calling the hospital and the police and their parents so they can just get them the help and resources they need.

18 comments on “OSN INVESTIGATION: Hard Drugs Come to Selinsgrove High School SEE THE VIDEO

  1. Derek
    May 1, 2017

    As a graduate of Selinsgrove High and someone who has lost several friends from drug over doses, this saddens me beyond words. Stand together as a community and don’t be afraid to speak up if you know of someone, perhaps someone you call a friend, that is using. They may hate you for it now but they stand a much better chance of living long enough to forgive you, and thank you for it later.

    Also, how about this inspiring young news reporter! That is amazingly encouraging!! Stay strong, courageous, and truthful Orange Street News and you give this world a much needed increase of integrity coming from the news media.

    Thanks for your hard work!

    God bless


  2. Mike Smith
    May 1, 2017

    Please Please Please be careful !! Those drug people don’t play games. Many people have been hurt – and worse – by greedy drug dealers. Don’t be one of them !! ❤
    Your friend and fan,


  3. Ann Webber
    May 1, 2017

    Thanks for digging into a serious problem. It’s rampant all over the country. Our youth are often discouraged and we need to be aware and rise to help them!


  4. ImOppShoppin
    May 1, 2017

    whoever being interviewed issa goofy #standdown


  5. Anonymous
    May 2, 2017

    I want to selinsgrove high in the 70’s and sad to say the drugs were in selinsgrove high back then they use to smoke there dope in the corner out front and up in the upstairs stairs girls bathroom the girls use to smoke in there !!! So this dose not surprise me one bit !!!



  7. Anonymous
    May 3, 2017

    As a student of the high school, I believe we definetly do have a problem with drug use in a population of students. I must critique you though, just as all reporters get critiqued, and say that this article was exaggerated. I have never heard of nor seen another student using drugs in the technology department or bathrooms. I have never heard of heroine becoming in circulation either. Please be aware that this drug problem does not define the majority of the school. Also be aware that students are trying to make positive changes in those who do suffer from addiction or drug usage. It is terribly sad what is happening to some students at my school and as a student I felt the need to mention that Selinsgrove is aware and not scared to admit what happened, but is not defined by this tragedy.


    • Steph
      September 9, 2017

      lol…. “hard drugs” have been used behind the doors of that high school since I went there, 11 years ago. The reason for the spike- mainly heroin, is the price. 11 years ago a bag would cost $25-$30, and a needle $5 because at that time you couldn’t go get them legally- so people would charge you if you needed one.
      Now… bags are actually generally bought in Williamsport or Harrisburg, NOT SUNBURY… there’s just addicts over there that sell to keep there habit funded, and a few that don’t use and up the price from our local cities- because they can get them from about $6-$10 a bag, so… price goes down, people can afford twice and triple the amount from before- doesn’t take a scientist to figure out why people are overdosing.
      If you choose to use these drugs should always use a small amount to see how it is and how your tolerance is and how you react to it.
      Calling the police is probably the worst thing you can do for someone who “needs help”…. all you’re doing is giving the government- half crooked at that- money. Because, jail, probation- all of it is a big waste of time unless that ADDICT wants – and I mean really really wants to quit- otherwise, by calling the police, you’ve become a snitch, and just helped to ruin that kids future because of a criminal record.
      Counseling and rehab work- if they want it. Otherwise… nothing anyone can do. This epidemic won’t ever go away because it’s always been around. And it’s not just here- in Selinsgrove- it’s just being noticed Bc a 10 little girl is walking around with a camera. At least people finally realize that this “cute little town” is absolutely no better than what we all call “scumbury”??! Haha….


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